We Advance African healthtech
Intelligence Advisory Partnerships

Salient In The News

Health markets are shifting rapidly.
We help clients accelerate transformational change.

Salient develops actionable insights and partnerships, supporting global changemakers advance access to healthcare.
Our latest market intelligence report profiles over 20 leading innovators who are well-positioned for large-scale impact. Collectively, these innovators account...
The first Pan-African landscape of innovators leveraging technology to foster resilient health supply chains across Africa, to improve health outcomes....
Across the African continent, we estimate there are ~160 online pharmacies that work to bridge the gaps in traditional supply...

“We can find African solutions for African challenges by bringing together government, industry, and donors to create the scaffolding...

Q. How quickly can we expect ‘winners’ in African healthtech to emerge? To examine this question, we looked at supply...

Our research suggests that large-scale, public-sector investments in innovation that advance social development and create high-value jobs are lacking across...

At Salient, we’re consistently excited about digital health companies that ‘super-power’ existing providers, networks and health systems. Start-ups like ShelfLife...

Connect with leading African innovators. Our upcoming events here.

Invite Only

SPARK: Matchmaking for Innovative Partnerships

SPARK is an invite-only matchmaking program working to catalyze partnerships between a set of countries supported by The Global Fund and a handful of leading healthtech innovators positioned to impact HIV, TB and Malaria care at scale.

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