
inSupply Health
Last updated: 7 May, 2021
  • Woman-Led
Company Overview
Geographies Kenya, Tanzania
Core Service Areas Digital/ Product Distribution
Founder(s) JSI
Founded 2018
Core Offerings
inSupply Health is a health advisory firm that offers technical assistance in key supply chain areas of data visibility, analytics and use, health commodity demand and supply planning, market shaping, and workforce development. inSupply’s solutions revolve around people, processes, data, and technology to improve supply chain management for health and community health workers (CHWs) and clinics. Their flagship application cStock can be used as a monthly app and/or an Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) based reporting and resupply system that connects CHWs to their facilities and promotes demand-based resupply, ensuring greater product availability at the community level. To facilitate data-based decision making, help analyze and visualize supply chain data, inSupply also has a user-friendly dashboard that draws periodic and aggregated data from the Kenya Health Information System (cStock is integrated with KHIS). In addition, inSupply provides support to governments to develop roadmaps for the adoption of machine learning and integration of AI in national logistics management information systems for health commodities such as vaccines.
Funding & Key Investors
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